5 Wellness trends I can really get behind

September 2, 2016

Wellness has become a very popular topic of late. For those of us who have had to, or chosen to make wellness a priority, it can feel a little annoying that wellness is “on trend” because for many of us it is not a trend but an essential part of our lives. That being said, I am so happy that the world of wellness and holistic living is becoming accessible to so many people who might not have even realized it was an option. So amidst all the wellness noise, here are a list of “trends” that I think have real benefits that we can all get behind.

1. Bone Broth

Cultures the world over have been using bone broth for hundreds of years to nourish and heal. Bone broth and stock have always been used in the jewish community to promote healing when ill, hence the phrase “jewish penicillin”. In Chinese medicine, whose origins date back over 2,500 years, bone broth has been used to support digestive health, as a blood builder, and to strengthen the kidneys. There is nothing more soothing or nourishing than a bowl of homemade bone broth when your feeling sick. Many of us have moms and grandmothers that would make these wonderful soups for us when we were ill, and it seems they were on to something. The benefits of bone broth include healing the lining of the gut because it is rich in collagen and glutamine, supports the immune system with various amino acids, is rich in minerals, and is great for your hair, skin and nails. This is one “trend” that has been around forever and is definitely here to stay. More to come on bone broth in a future post where I will share with you my bone broth recipe so stay tuned.

2. Green Juice

Green juice has been having a moment for the last couple of years. Everywhere you look a new fresh pressed juice joint had opened up. Green juice allows us to get green vegetables into our bodies in much larger quantities than if we were eating them. For many of us on the go, it can be hard to meet the daily recommended amount of veggies. With juice we are getting all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals found in roughly a pound of fresh vegetables. The trick is not to bombard our systems with sugar by adding too much fruit juice. This can imbalance the blood sugar and negate the beneficial effects. But as long as you are sticking to mostly veggies with just a bit of fruit for sweetness, you are getting a daily power dose of nutrition.

3. Far Infrared Sauna

Saunas are used around the world for health and wellness. Native Americans use sweat lodges,  Europeans and  Asians traditional saunas and thermal baths. Saunas are an integral part of hygiene and health in most cultures. Far Infrared saunas are a bit different in that they use light to heat up the body. They omit infrared light waves that create heat in the body, heating it up internally without heating the air around you. It typically manages to do this in a shorter time than a traditional sauna. Our skin is our largest organ of detoxification in the body, and sweating is one of our bodies best ways of detoxing. The benefits of Far Infrared saunas include increased detoxification, increased circulation, decreased inflammation and joint pain, stimulates collagen production and improves skin tone, lowers blood pressure, aids relaxation and can burn up to 600 calories in a session. What’s not to love about all that!

4. Fermented Foods

Everyday we are learning more and more about how our gut health affects the overall function of our bodies. Our gut is a balance of microbes, some good, some bad. The goal is to have a lot more of the good guys otherwise know as probiotics. Fermented foods, while trendy now, have also been around since the beginning of time. Many cultures have different ways of fermenting food. Koreans have kimchi, Germans have sauerkraut, Indians have Lasi, and Bulgarians have kefir. You get the idea. These fermented foods are ESSENTIAL to the healthy terrain of our guts. You can read my post on healing your gut or the gut microbiome to learn more. These beneficial bacteria help to keep our digestion moving smoothly, regulate our immune function, lower inflammation, improve urinary and vaginal health, and fight pathogenic bacteria. Fermented foods should be a daily staple in our lives.

5. Adaptogens

Adaptogens are another thing that have become trendy but have really been around for centuries. Adaptogens are herbal ingredients that can help regulate our body’s response to stress. They are called adaptogens because they can magically adapt to what your body needs wether it be calming and anxious nervous system, or bringing your energy up and fighting fatigue. They can calm you down and boost your energy at the same time, all without over-stimulating you.  They have been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries and are safe for long term use. There are many adaptogens to choose from such as Rhodiola Rosea, Ashwaganda, Holy Basil, Eluthro, Asian Ginseng, and various mushrooms like Reishi (my favorite), and cordyceps. Each one works slightly different and I will do a future post with more specifics, but adaptogens are an incredible tool in helping to manage our stress, and that makes them invaluable.

So there you have it. Five wellness trends that I hope will stick around for a very long time to come.  Have a happy and healthy Labor Day weekend!



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