aromatherapy – Plum Joyful Fri, 21 Apr 2017 04:59:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 aromatherapy – Plum Joyful 32 32 101224769 3 simple ways to cleanse your energy and start the new year right Fri, 30 Dec 2016 23:46:58 +0000 2016 has left a lot of people reeling and feeling like up is down and down is up. This has been an intense year for almost everyone that I know. Not necessarily bad, but certainly challenging. A new year brings with it the chance to start fresh and release the things that have been holding you back, whether they be health challenges, relationship issues or just false beliefs. I like to do a bit of a purge and cleanse at the new year. Cleaning out our house and making a donation to Goodwill or Out of the Closet is the place I like to start. Donating things you no longer need is a great way to contribute to others and it helps to lighten the energy of your space. You can also write it off as a year-end tax deduction which is a nice bonus. Then I like to clear the energy of our home and my body to symbolically rid myself of the past years energies, and to create a clean slate upon which to build this new year. Here are a few ways that I like to do this. You can do one or all, or create your […]

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Your perfume is killing me… and you Fri, 08 Jul 2016 07:40:50 +0000 Fragrances play a big role in our lives. Scent has the ability to illicit memories and feelings in a way the our other senses don’t. Remember what summer campfires smelled like? Or your mom’s lasagna she made every sunday night? Fragrance makes any sensory experience that much more visceral. We are just wired that way. The smell of your partner, or your baby is designed to enhance our bonding and connection. While the experience is relative, and one person may love a scent that another despises, we can all agree that the role of scent is a powerful part of our human experience. That is why fragrance has become a billion dollar industry. However the “fragrances” that we have come to know and love in our perfumes, cologne, and personal care products are LOADED with hidden toxins that are destroying our health as well as the environment. Sad I know. But there is hope. Knowledge is power, so read on to learn the hidden dangers in your perfume. And because I would never leave you hanging, I will also give you the names a few wonderful fragrance companies that are changing the game by eliminating most if not all of […]

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DIY Aromatherapy spray Wed, 27 Apr 2016 07:00:28 +0000 I love essential oils for so many reasons. They can be used for everything from skincare to cleaning your home to repelling fleas and ticks on your pets. In addition to all of these great uses, some of the greatest benefits of essential oils are their ability to affect your mood and wellbeing. Scent can have a powerful influence on everything from our stress levels, sleep habits, confidence levels, even our physical and cognitive abilities. Scent and emotion both stem from the limbic system and are very closely tied. We have all had the experience of a particular scent calling up a memory and its corresponding emotion. Or the intense feelings of love the smell of your baby or significant other can create. It’s real kids. And the best part is we can harness the power of scent to encourage our own feelings of joy and wellbeing! A while back I was working away from home for months and I was feeling a lot of stress. I remembered that on a previous job out of town, I had found a “bedtime” aromatherapy spray that was meant to be spritzed on your pillow for peaceful sleep. It became a calming ritual […]

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