healing – Plum Joyful https://plumjoyful.com Fri, 26 Aug 2016 05:51:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.21 https://i2.wp.com/plumjoyful.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/cropped-favorite.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 healing – Plum Joyful https://plumjoyful.com 32 32 101224769 The 4 R Program : Heal your gut, Heal your life https://plumjoyful.com/the4rprogramtohealyourgut/ Fri, 26 Aug 2016 07:00:02 +0000 http://plumjoyful.com/?p=1108 Gut health is essential to our overall wellbeing. The more we learn about the gut, the more we realize that the digestive system and its function has a major impact on ALL the major systems of the body. It can effect the health of your endocrine system, your cardiovascular system, and if you read THIS post, you know it can even affect your mental health. I cannot stress how important gut health is. In Chinese medicine the gut is referred to as the seat of health, and it is said that “death begins in the colon”. When our gut is unhealthy it can become leaky resulting in what is called “leaky gut syndrome”. In a leaky gut, there is inflammation in the gut that causes damage to the lining of the gut. This results in microscopic holes in the lining that allow small proteins from the foods you eat to escape into the bloodstream. When this happens your body identifies these proteins as foreign because they are in an area of the body they aren’t supposed to be. Your body then launches an attack on these harmless proteins which causes further inflammation and damage to healthy cells. That’s leaky gut […]

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Green Smoothie week starts today! https://plumjoyful.com/green-smoothie-week/ Mon, 11 Apr 2016 07:00:57 +0000 http://plumjoyful.com/?p=634 It’s Green Smoothie week at Plum Joyful!!! Let’s start our spring cleanse off with a yummy green smoothie. Here is our first smoothie recipe chock full of good ingredients for liver cleansing and digestion.  Spiced Mango lime green smoothie 1 cup fresh or frozen mango 1/2 large banana or 2 small ones 1 cup coconut milk (I like half full fat and half low fat for extra creaminess without all the calories) or non dairy milk of choice 1 cup baby spinach leaves 1/2 cup dandelion leaves Juice of half a lime 1-2 tsp alcohol free vanilla extract (optional) Frontier brand is the best for alcohol free. A tiny pinch of nutmeg 1/8 tsp or a healthy pinch of powdered ginger, or 1/2 inch fresh peeled ginger * for extra sweetness add a few drops of stevia The Spinach and dandelion leaves will aid in cleansing your liver, the lime will help jumpstart your digestion, as will the ginger. the mango is loaded with vitamin C which aids the liver and immune system, and the banana gives a nice dose of potassium! place all ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. Follow along on instagram for a new recipe […]

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Hayfever: Natural ways to prevent it before it starts https://plumjoyful.com/hayfever-how-to-prevent-it-naturally-before-it-even-starts/ Mon, 07 Mar 2016 07:36:05 +0000 http://plumjoyful.com/?p=507   Hayfever sucks. There’s no two ways about it. Spring is around the corner and all we really want to do is run freely through a field of wildflowers am I right? Ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration and I’ve just watched to many feminine hygiene commercials, but you get where I’m going with this. We want to be free to bask in the sunshine and gulp big lung-fulls of fresh fragrant spring air. Instead many of us are walking around with red rimmed teary eyes, sneezing like we’re being paid for it, and desperately searching for the nearest air-conditioned room to hermetically seal ourselves into. It’s utterly unfair. Just when we want to be outside the most, we are driven back indoors. I have always had hayfever, and all I could do was take an antihistamine. For much of my life I didn’t know that there were completely natural ways to manage hay fever that worked just as well as antihistamines, and in some cases better because they can actually change your allergic response as opposed to just suppressing the symptoms. Here are some incredibly effective natural tools to help kick your hayfever in the butt so you can run […]

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Be your own Valentine: Get your self love on. https://plumjoyful.com/be-your-own-valentine-get-your-self-love-on/ Fri, 12 Feb 2016 00:00:10 +0000 http://plumjoyful.com/?p=245 This Valentine’s day, regardless of wether or not you have a partner, I’m going to encourage you to get your self love on. Not that kind of self-love, get your mind out of the gutter. That’s a different post for a different day. I’m talking about taking the kindness and compassion that you show for your friends and family and directing some of that towards yourself. Why is it that loving ourselves, and being kind to ourselves takes such effort when it flows so effortlessly towards our loved ones? As someone who is habitually hard on myself, I wanted to get some clarity on this topic. There is a new area of psychological research emerging around the area of Self-Compassion. For perfectionists, the sensitive, the ones who can’t get back to sleep after feeding the baby at three AM because your obsessing over the fact that in your exhausted stupor you forgot to tip the barista at Starbucks that morning and they MUST think your a horrible person…..just a hypothetical..ahem… here is what the research shows. It will shed some light on the importance of self compassion, and hopefully inspire you to give yourself a break and a big old […]

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